Includes JCNA Membership, a subscription to the Jaguar Journal Magazine for the remainder of the calendar year, and up to two JOANT Name Badges (for you and your spouse).
New Memberships will only be accepted after receiving a completed, signed JOANT Membership Application & confirmation of full dues payment.
New memberships on or after Sept. 15th will be for the rest of the current year and a full 12 months thereafter. JCNA membership with Jaguar Journal Magazine subscription will begin after Dec. 31st of current year.
Includes JCNA Membership with Jaguar Journal Magazine Subscription for the remainder of the calendar year.
Does not include Name Badge(s) (Badges are available for purchase)
Renewals are only accepted for those memberships which have expired within the last twelve months.
Renewals will be in effect only through December of the current year.
Available to persons who are Jaguar enthusiasts but do NOT own Jaguar automobiles, at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors.
New social memberships include Name Badge(s) (Badges are available for purchase for renewals).
Does not include JCNA membership or Jaguar Journal Magazine Subscription.
Online Payment (PayPal) is available on this website for both New and Renewal Memberships
Additional Details
Please allow up to two weeks for processing of all memberships.
New Member Name Badges will be available for new members usually at the next monthly dinner meeting. Please allow up to five weeks for name badges.
If you do not hear from the Club’s Membership Director within two weeks after the above process, please contact an officer listed on the website menu choice: Board of Directors.